Egypt. Here the first language of breath is 5000 years old. ϻϰϣϵͷϵ ϵʹ ͷιιοϩͷ οϒοϩ ϭͷ ριϻ ϰρϣιͷ οϒοϩ ϵϻϫωλ !
He who sits upon the Cherubim:
Rode a colt:
And entered Jerusalem:
O what great humility.
They praise Him with alertness:
Saying, "This is Emmanuel:
Hosanna in the highest:
This is the King of Israel."
Rode a colt:
And entered Jerusalem:
O what great humility.
They praise Him with alertness:
Saying, "This is Emmanuel:
Hosanna in the highest:
This is the King of Israel."