Ouvrages disponibles auprès de la compagnie :

  • Migration(s)
    the book about the collective creation Exile(s), step by step
    published on 100 issues in 2022, november
    ISBN 978-2-9584905-0-8
    format 21 x 21 cm, 164 color pages, selling price 22€

  • The one giving
    booklet of the performance, giving thought to the yes and the no
    published on 100 issues in 2023, october
    ISBN 978-2-9584905-1-5
    format 21 x 21 cm, 30 black and white pages, selling price 8€

  • Welcome><s
    journal of the collective creation Welcome><s — in Hopscothland
    publication on 1000 issues in 2024, september
    ISBN 978-2-9584905-2-2
    format 29,7 x 42 cm, 16 color pages, free pricing