- All upcoming performances: tour schedule
- All performances: dates and locations
- For every performance available places through the partnership with Cultures du Coeur: please find out about it from departmental associations
- For every performance available places with the pass culture
- Shores, roots, sceneries: dates and locations
- Because (the rose is without why): dates and locations
- Exile(s): dates and locations
- Brundibar or the So Big Bad Noise: dates and locations
- Welcome><s : dates and locations
- Shores short version: dates and locations
- The one giving: dates and locations
- Memories of clay: dates and locations
- Sororities: dates and locations
- Katarekuna: dates and locations
- Songs and Stories of Waters: dates and locations
- Interventions for fragil audiences: dates and locations
- Interventions for school audiences: dates and locations
- Others performances: dates and locations