The educational booklet of the performance is available here (updated 08.07.23).
It includes:

  • an introduction to the performance and to the company, and a presentation of approach and concepts;
  • a description of cultural mediation associated: singing, dance, visual arts;
  • some learning aids for the class project;
  • and annexed the detailed program of the performance.

For a single workshop introducing the performance, a descriptive sheet is available here (updated 20.12.20).

The texts and transliterations of the performance's songs are available here.

To accompany the young viewing public:
To prepare the children coming, you will find here a video extract, an

online slide show

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and some documents to print.
After the performance, children can fill the memory card, and let us have their feedbacks that we will publish in the spectators' book.

Some references and useful links: