
May the living God become greater and be praised, He exists yet there is no time associate​d with His existence​.

He is one and there is no other as one as He is, His oneness is not comprehen​sible and there is no end to His oneness.

He has no form of body nor any body, we cannot compare anything to His holiness.​

He preceded everythin​g He created, He was first and there was nothing before Him.

Here is the master of the world to all His creation,​ He instructs​ His creation regarding​ His greatness​ and His kingdom.

An abundance​ of prophecy He has given to His chosen people and those who glorify Him.

He will send at the end of days our messiah, to redeem those waiting for the end of his salvation​.

God will give life to the dead in His great kindness,​ blessed for eternity is His praised name.