We continue.
On the horizon are the Latins. The colour white. The colour of light. That colour that weighs upon the eyelids. We imagine Don Quijote under the burning sun of La Mancha, in a land that is desperately flat. Only his horse gives him height, and he rides as though in search of his royalty.
...translation in progress...
- Quantas sabedes amare - Spain, Martin Codax, circa 1230 (Galician-Portuguese)
- Sibila galaïca (extracts) - Spain, Alfonso X of Castile, 12th century (Galician-Portuguese)
- Mariagneta - Spain, traditional song, 14th century (Catalan)
- Pulchra es - Italy, C. Monteverdi, Vespers of the Blessed Virgin, 1610 (Latin)
- Cum dederit - Italy, A. Vivaldi, Nisi Dominus, 18th century (Latin)